This page contains a bibliography of literature related to uneven-aged silviculture.  It is regularly updated.  If you would like to suggest additions to the list, please send them via e-mail to

Bibliography of Uneven-aged Silviculture Literature

Abrams, M.D. 1984. Uneven-aged jack pine in Michigan. J. For. 82, 306-307.

Adams, D.M. 1976. A note on the interdependence of stand structure and best stocking in a selection forest. For. Sci. 22: 180-184.

Adams, D.M. and Ek, A.R. 1974. Optimizing the management of uneven-aged forest stands. Can. J. For. Res. 4: 274-287.

Alexander, R.R. and Edminster, C.B. 1977. Regulation and control of cut under uneven-aged management. In Research Paper,USDA Forest Service , Fort Collins, CO.

Alexander, R.R. and Edminster, C.B. 1977. Uneven-aged management of old growth spruce-fir forests:  cutting methods and stand structure goals for the initial entry. In Research Paper,USDA Forest Service , Fort Collins, CO.

Anderson, H.W. Management of Tolerant Hardwoods in Algonguin Provincial Park . 1983. Ontario Ministry of Nat. Resour.

Anderson, S.C., Kupfer, J.A., Wilson, R.R. , and Cooper, R.J. 2000. Estimating forest crown area removed by selection cutting: a linked regression-GIS approach based on stump diameters. For. Ecol. Mng. 137: 171-177.

Arbogast, C.Jr. 1957. Marking guides for northern hardwoods under the selection system. In Station Paper,USDA Forest Service , St. Paul, MN.

Atta-Boateng, J. and  Moser, J.W. 1998. A method for classifying commercial tree species of an uneven-aged mixed species tropical forest for frowth and yield model construction. For. Ecol. Mng. 104: 89-99.

Bachofen, H. and Zingg, A. 2001. Effectiveness of structure improvement thinning on stand structure in subalpine Norway spruce (Picea abies (L>) Karst.) stands. For. Ecol. Mng. 145: 137-149.

Baker, J.B., Guldin, J.M., and Guldin, R.W. Natural regeneration methods for loblolly and shortleaf pines. For. Farmer 50[3], 59-63.

Baker, J.B.  Uneven-aged stand management on the crossett experimental forest.USDA Forest Service Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Bare, B.B. and Opalach, D. 1988. Determining investment-efficient diameter distributions for uneven-aged northern hardwoods. For. Sci. 34: 243-249.

Bare, B.B. and Opalach, D. 1987. Optimizing species composition in uneven-aged forest stands. For. Sci. 33: 958-970.

Benzie, J.W., Alm, A.A., Curtin, T.W., and Merritt, C. Silviculture: the next thirty years, the past thirty years. Part V. The north central region. J. For. 84[8], 35-42. 1986.

Blum, B.M. Regeneration and uneven-aged silviculture–the state of the art. Uneven-aged Silviculture and Management in the United States.  67-87. 1978. Washington, D.C., USDA For. Ser. Timber Mgt. Research.

Bond, W.E. Growing stock differences in even-aged and all-aged forests. J. For. 50, 691-693. 1952.

Bourne, R. A fallacy in the theory of growing stock. Forestry 24, 6-18. 1951.

Bradshaw, F.J. 1992.  Quantifying edge effect and patch size for multiple-use silvliculture–a discussion paper. For. Ecol. Manage. 48: 249-264.

Brissette, J.C. and Kenefic, L.S. 2000. Eastern hemlock response to even- and uneven-age management in the acadian forest: results from the Penobscot Experimental Forest long-term silviculture study. In Gen. Tech. Rep.,   Edited by Katherine A. McManus, Kathleen S. Shields, and Dennis R. Souto. USDA For. Ser. NE Res. Stn., Newtown Square, PA.

Brockway, D.G. and Outcalt, K.W. 1998. Gap-phase regeneration in longleaf pine wiregrass ecosystems.  For. Ecol. Mng. 106: 125-139.

Bruner, H.D. and Moser Jr., J.W. 1973. A markov chain approach to the prediction of diameter distributions in uneven-aged forest stands. Can. J. For. Res. 3: 409-417.

Buongiorno, J., Peyron, J., Houllier, F., and Bruciamacchie, M. Growth and management of mixed-species, uneven-aged forests in the French Jura: implications for economic returns and tree diversity. For. Sci. 41, 397-429. 1995.

Buongiorno, J. 2001.  Quantifying the implications of transformation from even to uneven-aged forest stands. For. Ecol. Manage. 151: 121-132.

Buongiorno, J. and Michie, B.R. 1980. A matrix model of uneven-aged forest management. For. Sci. 26: 609-625.

Burgess, D. Forests of the menominee – a commitment to sustainable forestry. For. Chron. 72[3], 268-275. 1996.

Cain, M.D. and Shelton, M.G. 2001. Natural loblolly and shortleaf pine productivity through 53 years of management under four reproduction cutting methods. So. J. Appl. For. 25: 7-16.

Cain, M.D., Wigley, T.B., and Reed, D.J. 1998. Prescribed fire effects on structure in uneven-aged stands of loblolly and shortleaf pines. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 26: 209-218.

Cameron, A.D., Mason, W.L., and Malcom, D.C. 2001. Transformation of plantation forest papers presented at the IUFRO Conference held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 29 August to 3 September 1999. For. Ecol. Manage. 151: 1-5.

Chapman, R.C. and Weatherhead, D.J. Some mensurational formulas associated with balanced diameter distributions. For. Sci. 30, 682-684. 1984.

Coder, K.D., Wray, P.H., and Countryman, D.W. Group Shelterwood System for Regenerating Oak in Eastern Iowa. 6th Central Hardwood Forest Conference. Group shelterwood system for regenerating oak in eastern Iowa , 83-89. 1987. Proc. 6th Central Hardwood For. Conf. (Univ. Tennessee).

Cole, W.G. 1995. Hardwood tree crown measurement guide.

Courbaud, B., Goreaud, F., Dreyfus, Ph., and Bonnet, P.R. 2001. Evaluating thinning strategies using a tree distance dependent growth model: some examples based on the CAPSIS software “uneven-aged spruce forest” module. For. Ecol. Mng. 145: 15-28.

Crow, T.R. Comparing the performance of two northern hardwood growth projection systems. North. J. Appl. For. 3, 28-32. 1986.

Crow, T.R., Jacobs, R.D., Oberg, R.R., and Tubbs, C.H. Stocking and structure for maximum growth in sugar maple selection stands.  1981. St. Paul, MN, USDA For. Ser. NC. For. Exp. Stn. Res. Pap.

Davis, K.P.  1966. New York, McGraw Hill.

De Liocourt, F. 1898. De l’amenagement des Sapiničre.  Bul. de la Socičtč Forestičre de Franch-Contč et Belfort 396-409.

Deal, R.L. 2001. The effects of partial cutting on forest plant communities of western hemlock – sitka spruce stands in southeast Alaska. Can. J. For. Res. 31: 2067-2079.

Debell, D.S., Langdon, O.G., and Stubbs, J. Reproducing Mixed Hardwoods By A Seed-Tree Cutting In The Carolina Coastal Plain. Southern Lumberman Vol. 217[2704], pp. 121-123. 1968.

Debell, D.S., Stubbs, J., and Hook, D.D. Stand Development After a Selection Cutting in a Hardwood Bottom. Southern Lumberman 217[2704], 127-129. 1968.

DeGraaf, R.M., Healy, W.M., and Brooks, R.T. Effect of thinning and deer browsing on breeding birds in New England oak woodlands. For. Ecol. Manage. 41, 179-191. 1991.

Della-Bianca, L. and  Beck, D.E. Selection Management in Southern Appalachian Hardwoods. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry Vol. 9[No. 3], pp. 191-196. 1985.

Doolittle, W.T. Constraints on forest management in the eastern hardwood region. Uneven-aged Silviculture and Management in the United States.  63-66. 1978. Washington, D.C., USDA For. Ser. Timber Mgt. Research.

Dubois, M.R., Stockman, J.L., and Golden, M.S. 1997. Silvicultural Assessment of Alternative Harvesting Treatments in North Alabama Upland Hardwood Forests. pp. 113-122.

Duerr, W.A. and Bond, W.E. Optimum stocking of a selection forest. J. For. 50, 12-16. 1952.

Engle, L.G. Regulation of cut. Uneven-aged Silviculture and Management in the United States.  142-151. 1978. Washington, D.C., USDA For. Ser. Timber Mgt. Research.

Engstrom, R.T., Brennan, L.A., Neel, W.L., Farrar, R.M., Lindeman, S.T., Moser, W.K., and Hermann, S.M. Silvicultural practices and red-cockaded woodpecker management – a reply to Rudolph and Conner. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 24[2], 334-338. 1996.

Erdmann, G.G. and Oberg, R.R. Fifteen-year results from six cutting methods in second-growth northern hardwoods . 1973. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. NC.

Erickson, M.D., Mroz, G.D., and Reed, D.D. Silvicultural influence on heartwood discoloration in sugar maple. North. J. Appl. For. 9, 27-29. 1992.

Evans, K.E. and Conner, R.N. Snag management , 214-225. 1979. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC.

Eyre, F.H. and Zillgitt, W.M. Size-class distribution in old-growth northern hardwoods twenty years after cutting.  1950. St. Paul, MN, USDA For. Ser. Lake States For. Exp. Stn. Stn. Pap.

Falk, K.J., Burke, D.M., Elliott, K.A., and Holmes, S.B. Effects of single-tree and group selection harvesting on the diversity and abundance of spring forest herbs in deciduous forests in southwestern Ontario: Large-scale experimentation and oak regeneration.  Forest Ecology and Management 255[7], 2486-2494. 2008.

Farrar, R.M.Jr. Fundamentals of uneven-aged management in southern pine.  1996. Tallahassee, FL, Tall Timbers Research Station. Misc. Pub.

Favrichon, V. 1998. Modleing the dynamics and species composition of a tropical mixed-species uneven-aged natural forest: effects of alternative cutting regimes. For. Sci. 44: 113-124.

Filip, S.M. Cutting and cultural methods for managing northern hardwoods in the northeastern United States.  1973. Upper Darby, PA, USDA For. Ser. NE. For. Exp. Stn. Gen. Tech. Rep.

Fischer, B.C. 1981. Designing forest openings for the group selection method. In Gen. Tech. Rep.

Forget, E., Nolet, P., Doyon, F., Delagrange, S., and Jardon, Y. Ten-year response of northern hardwood stands to commercial selection cutting in southern Quebec, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 242[2-3], 764-775. 2007.

Franklin, J.F. and DeBell, D.S. 1973. Effects of various harvesting methods on forest regeneration. In Oregon State Univ. School For. Pap., pp. 29-57.

Fries, C., Johansson, O., Pettersson, B., and Simonsson, P. 1997. Silvicultural models to maintain and restore natural stand structures in Swedish boreal forests. For. Ecol. Mng. 94: 89-103.

Gibbs, C.B. Uneven-aged silviculture and management?  Even-aged silviculture and management?  Definitions and differences. Uneven-aged Silviculture and Management in the United States.  18-24. 1978. Washington, D.C., USDA For. Ser. Timber Mgt. Research.

Gilbert, A.M., Wilson Jr., R.W., and Hutnik, R.J. 1955. Growth behavoir of northern hardwoods after a partial cutting. J. For. 53: 488-492.

Gingrich, S.F. Growth and yield. Uneven-aged Silviculture and Management in the United States.  115-124. 1978. Washington, D.C., USDA For. Ser. Timber Mgt. Research.

Godman, R.M. Selecting a silvicultural system for northern hardwoods . USDA For. Serv. North. Hardwood Note.

Godman, R.M., Yawney, H.W., and Tubbs, C.H. *Acer saccharum Marsh. Sugar maple , 78-91. 1990. USDA For. Serv. Agric. Handb.

Golden, M.S. 1995. Establishment of oak regeneration in group selection openings in a river floodplain forest. In General Technical Report,  Edited by M. B. Edwards. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Asheville, NC pp. 413-418.

Golden, M.S. 2002. Reproduction in group selection openings eight years after harvest in a bottomland mixed hardwood forest. In Gen. Tech. Rep.,  Edited by Kenneth W. Outcalt. USDA For. Ser. South. Res. Stn., Asheville, NC pp. 386-391.

Goodburn, J.M. and Lorimer, C.G. 1998. Cavity trees and coarse woody debris in old-growth and managed northern hardwood forests in Wisconsin and Michigan. Can. J. For. Res. 28: 427-438.

Goodburn, J.M. and Lorimer, C.G. 1999. Population structure in old-growth and managed northern hardwoods: an examination of the balanced diameter distribution concept. For. Ecol. Mng. 118: 11-29.

Gottschalk, K.W. 1983. Management strategies for successful regeneration: oak-hickory. In Proc. Regenerating Hardwood Stands (Pennsylvania State Univ.),School of Nat. Res. Penn State Univ., Univ. Park, PA pp. 190-213.

Gove, J.H., Solomon, D.S., Fairweather, S.E., and Patil, G.P. Maximizing the diameter class diversity of uneven-aged northern hardwood stands , 39-45. 1991. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE.

Gove, J.H. and Fairweather, S.E. 1992. Optimizing the management of uneven-aged forest stands: a stochastic approach. For. Sci. 38: 623-640.

Graney, D.L. and Murphy, P.A. 1997. An evaluation of uneven-aged cutting methods in even-aged oak-hickory stands in the Boston Mountains of Arkansas. In Gen. Tech. Rep.,  Edited by Stephen G. Pallardy, Robert H. Cecich, Gene Garrett, and Paul S. Johnson. USDA For. Ser. NC. For. Exp. Stn., St. Paul, MN pp. pp 130-146.

Granhus, A. and Fjeld, D. 2001. Spatial distribution of injuries to Norway spruce advance growth after selection harvesting. Can. J. For. Res. 31: 1903-1913.

Guldin, J.M., Farrar, R.M.Jr., Hodges, J.D., and Toliver, J.R. A subjective decision model for classification of uneven-aged silvicultural systems , 369-375. 1991. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE.

Guldin, J.M. and Parks, T. Development of cherrybark oak in an uneven-aged stand in West Tennessee , 327-331. 1988. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO.

Guldin, J.M. 1996. The role of uneven-aged silviculture in the context of ecosystem management. Western Journal of Applied Forestry Vol. 11: 4-12.

Guldin, J.M. 1991. Uneven-aged BDq regulation of Sierra Nevada mixed conifers. West. J. Appl. For. 6: 27-32.

Guldin, J.M. and Baker, J.B. 1998. Uneven-aged silviculture, southern style. Journal of Forestry Vol. 96: 22-26.

Guldin, J.M., Farrar Jr., R.M., Hodges, J.D., and Toliver, J.R. A subjective decision model for classification of uneven-aged silvicultural systems. Coleman, Sandra S. and Neary, Daniel G. Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference.  369-375. 1991. Asheville, N.C., USDA For. Ser. SE. For. Exp. Stn. Gen. Tech. Rep.

Guldin, J.M. and Loewenstein, E.F. 1999. Chapter 4: Silvicultural Practices. In Ozark-Ouachita Highlands Assessment: terrestrial vegetation and wildlife.  Report 5 of 5. USDA For. Ser., Southern Research Station, Asheville, NC. pp. 73-102.

Guldin, J.M. and Loewenstein, E.F.  Regulation in uneven-aged stands–historical development of the group selection method and implications for current practice.(in press).

Guldin, J.M. and Parks, T. 1989. Development of cherrybark oak in an uneven-aged stand in west Tennessee. In General technical report,  Edited by James H. Miller. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, LA pp. 327-331.

Hagner, M., Lohmander, P., and Lundgren, M. 2001. Computer-aided choice of trees for felling. For. Ecol. Manage. 151: 151-161.

Haight, R.G. and Getz, W.M. 1987. Fixed and equilibrium endpoint problems in uneven-aged stand management. For. Sci. 33: 908-931.

Haight, R.G. and Monserud, R.A. 1990. Optimizing any-aged management of mixed-species stands: II. effects of decision criteria. For. Sci. 36: 125-144.

Hann, D.W. and Bare, B.B. Uneven-aged forest management: State of the Art (or science). USDA Forest Service Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station General Technical Report INT-50 , 18. 1979.

Hansen, G.D. and Nyland, R.D. 1987. Effects of diameter distribution on the growth of simulated uneven-aged sugar maple stands. Can. J. For. Res. 17: 1-8.

Hawley, R.C. and Goodspeed, A.W. 1932. Selection cutting for the small forest owner. Yale School of Forestry, Bulletin #35 9-34.

Heald, R.C. and Haight, R. A new apporach to uneven-aged silviculture and management of mixed conifer-oak forests. California Agriculture [May], 20-22. 1979.

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Jenkins, M.A. and Parker, G.R. Composition and Diversity of Woody Vegetation in Silvicultural Openings of Southern Indiana Forests. Forest Ecology and Management 109[1-3], 57-74. 1998.

Jenkins, M.A. and Parker, G.R. 1998. Composition and diversity of woody vegetation in silvicultural openings of sourthern Indiana forests. For. Ecol. Mng. 109: 57-74.

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Johnson, R.L. and Krinard, R.M. Regeneration in Small and Large Sawtimber Sweetgum-Red Oak Stands Following Selection and Seed Tree Harvest: 23 Year Results. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry Vol. 7[No. 4], pp. 176-184. 1983.

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Larsen, D.R., Loewenstein, E.F., and Johnson, P.S. Sustaining Recruitment of Oak Reproduction in Uneven-Aged Stands in the Ozark Highlands. USDA Forest Service North Central Research Station General Technical Report NC-203, 11 pages. 1999.

Larsen, D.R., Metzger, M.A., and Johnson, P.S. Oak Regeneration and Overstory Density in the Missouri Ozarks. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27[6], 869-875. 1997.

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